Quantum Dice

Since the early 1900s scientists, specifically physicists, have been trying to understand Quantum Mechanics. When looking at the world at the atomic level, things can be very different than they appear to us visually. Why? And how? Those are the exact answers that physicists are trying to figure out. From what we can gather, particles move at such varying speeds and have varying positions on a regular basis. Sometimes, the same particle may be, or appears to be, in multiple places at once! With these kinds of known facts, equations have been made that can calculate the probable position of particles. Let me clarify, in every other type of physics based science, solutions are exact. There is very little probability. One can measure the speed at which one drives their car and also log the time at which one drives, thus one can deduce the distance traveled. Exact numbers. Quantum mechanics or quantum physics is all about probability.

The probability behind Quantum Mechanics was unsettling to Albert Einstein. In fact, one of his most popular quotes came about because of this fact, which was only a theory at the time. He said:

“God does not play dice with the universe.”1

He meant it metaphorically, as in there is rhyme and reason to everything on Earth. But at the same time this quote argues more than just quantum physics, in fact, I would go so far as to say that it argues for quantum physics. God could never play dice with the universe. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not telling God what to do by any means. What I’m saying is, that if there is a God over all, which I do believe there is, He could never, at any point in time, not be in control of what happens in the universe we live in. Why? Because if God threw dice, ever, then He wouldn’t hold ultimate power. At the beginning of everything we know, when He set things in motion, it would have been a gamble whether it worked or not, if chance or luck were real things. Here’s food for thought: would we be able to find a type of order amid the “randomness” of quantum mechanics if everything in the world was left to chance?

—Rupert Anndelle

The lot is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.

—Proverbs 16:33 (ESV)

1 This is a paraphrase of the original quote from Albert Einstein. I cannot find the actual quote or a date specified as to when he said this. However, we do know, from much correspondence from other scientists, that he did in fact say something to the same effect.

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